Monday 29 November 2010

Shake up your wake up - why breakfast is so important

Shake Up Your Wake UpHere is some great advice from the team. They say eating breakfast has many positive benefits on our whole wellbeing but all too often we don’t realise the difference it can make to how we feel. If you are a breakfast skipper, ask yourself the following questions and you may find it’s worth shaking up your morning routine and finding time for breakfast:

Q: Do you get hunger pangs around 11am and regularly reach for the biscuit tin?
It has been shown that people that start the day with a healthy breakfast are more likely to be within their ideal weight range than those who skip breakfast.

Solution – Something as quick as easy as a bowl of muesli can make all the difference to how often you reach for a snack in the morning and help you manage your weight.

Q: Do you find it difficult to concentrate in the morning?
Several studies have shown that eating breakfast can have a positive impact on your concentration levels.

Solution – Even a simple slice or two of wholemeal toast can help your concentration levels, whether you enjoy it at home or at work.

Q: Do you get stressed and grumpy in the morning?
Research suggests that breakfast eaters are less depressed and have lower levels of stress than breakfast skippers.

Solution: One of the most popular breakfasts for cheering people up is a bacon sandwich but if you are really short of time grab a cereal bar or English muffin on the way to work, it can make a difference to how you feel all morning.

Q: Did you sleep well but still feel like you need more energy?
Remember it will have been several hours since your body has had any fuel, so after a night’s sleep energy stores and blood sugar levels need to be topped up.

Solution – Start the day with a wholegrain breakfast of porridge, muesli or toast that will release plenty of energy slowly throughout your morning, as well as providing many vital nutrients too.

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