Sunday 14 November 2010

Modern Muesli - Myth or Misrepresentation?

Modern muesli is a sham: unless you use the original formulation. You can see why if you compare Dr Bircher-Benner's original (and genuine) recipe comprised of lemon juice, rolled oats, water, sugar, milk, ground almonds and 95% freshly grated apple - i.e. the bulk of the ingredients is fresh apple. The contemporary collection of chaff, fluff and sulphured fruit masquerading as muesli is just "so much colon fibre," as Colin Thomson - maker of Essene bread, once so aptly described it.

Dr Bircher-Benner's Swiss clinic was renowned for rescuing the ignorant from their folly. In those days, fresh fruit was regarded as bad food. Why? Because of it's laxative qualities. Bowel motions more often than once, perhaps twice a week were regarded as unhealthy and unseemly. The good Swiss doctor knew well that one fundamental law of biology which said that all living organisms will die in their own waste if unable to get rid of it. And he knew that humans were not exempt.

So all those who were ill with constipation, (auto intoxication as Ross Horne called it), but who didn't really know why, and who were wealthy enough to afford it, trod the trail to Switzerland. The clinic then faced two obstacles: getting these people to eat the fruit they'd hitherto eschewed and persuading them that the incipient and frequent visits to the toilet were really quite normal!

To disguise the fruit, Dr Bircher-Benner invented muesli. La Dolce Sopreta (Italian - the sweet surprise) and 'fruit porridge' were two synonyms used. There were variations on the basic recipe, but the 95% plus of fresh fruit never changed. Muesli was served as an appetiser before every meal. This was also to suppress digestive leucocytosis, an immune system response to the entry of cooked food first, into an empty stomach.

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